Saturday, May 14, 2011. 175th post. Next time. Don't bother apologising if you're going to do it again. Get your priorities right girl. Making the same mistakes over and over again. Get your head straight and know what's important and what's not. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 12:19 PM
I Some things just never fail to disappoint me. and some never fails to make me smile. Say it, and do it. WONT `yi ting. `count on nobody but yourself. LET Favourites should keep changing. except for one or two. ANYTHING Make a wish. But it won't come true. Unless you go all out for it. BRING ME ~.Pets Villa ~.Edwin DEDICATED BLOGS: ~.Ethan ~.Shawn ~.Edwin ~.Ca^v^an ~.Lynette ~.Jasper DOWN. Backstage. Designer: Grandmama-- xoxo |