Saturday, February 14, 2009. 117th post. And it's Valentines day. Valentine's Day. To remind me of loneliness. I'm not attached: is it good or bad? I hear all those stories bout breakups and patches. Jealous? No. I see people in the streets all in pairs. Jealous? No. I can be just like them. But i would have to give up on other things which are also dear and important. Valentine's Day is a day spent with someone whom you love. I think not. Valentine's Day is a day spent with someone who loves you more than you love them. So at least, there's a chance it wouldn't end up like any other day. Happy Valentine's Day to all. Treasure your loved ones and hang on tight/let it go as people to tell you to. They want the best for you. Sincere Apologies: -For the super late post that's supposed to be on Valentine's Day. -For killing my blog. Yes. This is my last post. Maybe some of you might understand why i chose 117 to be the last post. Is it a mere coincidence or did I planned it to end this way? That's up to you to guess. Many big blows coming from all directions this year. And each person knows of one (or two.) But it doesn't matter. I've bragged so much about being strong alone. And now it's time for me to live up to my words. No more hiding behind a blog, venting everything to the web. Sometimes, one has to take it hard. To understand what it's like to be burdened and then solve it. All by myself. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 10:42 PM Friday, February 13, 2009. i thought i'd be happy. i thought too much. "hey.. i love you" - it dont work a single bit. you know what? it sounds ever so "sincere". ihatevalentine'sday. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 9:43 PM . 115th post. and 3 more to my favourite. and yes, i promise it's gonna be happy.) well, today's "valentine's day" or rather a day to give out valentine's day. thanks to the following for their following (: (listed in order) `Huan Woon - timeout bars :D `Shu Ling - cookie! :D `Rachel - ferrero rocher :) `Shirlyn - cookie~ :D `Shawn - sweets (: (red ones) `Catrin - origami flower :D `Colin Neo - rose :DD (would give u an extra 'D' but it's pink!) `Jun Rui - a random mint. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS! valentine's day tomorrow. to tell u the truth, i aint looking forward to it at all. but still, thanks to the above people. cause u made my day. :) hmm really appreciate the thought, effort and $$$ put in (: i promise: i'll never forget you. Hmm, anyone ever thought of the meaning of Valentine's Day? I think not. Cause if you did, I think no couple would be lovey-dovey, no one would be happily giving out random gifts to people they sometimes dont talk to for a whole day even within close walking range of each other. To me, true love/friendship must be shown at all times, except for certain circumstances which should happen rarely. Valentine's day is just another "birthday" if you would like to say it that way for BFs to "make it up" to their GFs or vice versa. Just to keep the love going, that two days is absolutely not enough. Why bother buying flowers and chocolates on 14.02 when you cant make her happy throughout her life? I bet no one would want to stick with someone who only makes them happy two days a year. cause that's just plain pathetic. DIE-LE-MA. when you're stuck and you don't know what to do, don't forget: you're on your own. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 9:17 PM Tuesday, February 10, 2009. dear me finally got pictures to update. they say a picture says a thousand words. so, enjoy... IM A GOOD GIRL! special thanks to Shawny for getting me the pics. special thanks to myself for taking the pics. (: ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 8:46 PM . 113rd post. and im bored. cause im banned from singing until 8:11pm *winks* my lucky number. haha anywas yups. maybe joining talentime. still deciding on song, so... SHHUSSH! (: ohh and if i join, i'll make sure i rock the stage! wootz. to all: jiayous. it doesnt matter if you can sing or not. you dont need to be able to sing to rock the stage. just make it yours. in your own special way. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 8:07 PM Monday, February 9, 2009. 112nd post. and im so not in the mood to blog. i aint emo. i aint sad. im just having cramps. ihateyou. timeofthemonth. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 8:23 PM Saturday, February 7, 2009. 111st post. and yiting shall be a happy girl! i retyped this cause i accidentally deleted it. oopsiie. life's filled with random numbers and im gonna start listing them out. (shawn stop tickling me!) okay back to posting (: hmm i gotta start reviving all those nice memories in my life. and from now on, there's just gonna be happy ones. no more sad stories, no more emo problems. just me and my award-winning smiles! no more. because im worthed it. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 4:17 PM Wednesday, February 4, 2009. 110th post. and i cant wait for my next post. today start off horrible. with a pathetic 15/35 for physics test. means girlgirl failed. then cca, yehwen was nice enough to release us at random timing due to ME! haha as usual. yups then soccer frenzy. cause i scored soo many goals against Clarence. and his team is soooo bully-ish cause they kept pushing/touching me. ROARRS! yups and moral of the story: please duck when someone yells: YESSSS! haha cause to end my schoolday, i got zammed in the face by qixian. and i got a new nick now. GIRLGIRL [creator: xiangxi] PS: im a hero too! no more emo songs. and i mean it. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 6:59 PM Monday, February 2, 2009. 109th post. and it's gonna be a short post. dentist today. itchy eyes due to contacts. mild headache due to braces. happy cause i ate ice cream. sad cause of those no life flamers. life's hard.but i'll get through it. even if it means fighting against the world. ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 10:10 PM
I Some things just never fail to disappoint me. and some never fails to make me smile. Say it, and do it. WONT `yi ting. `count on nobody but yourself. LET Favourites should keep changing. except for one or two. ANYTHING Make a wish. But it won't come true. Unless you go all out for it. BRING ME ~.Pets Villa ~.Edwin DEDICATED BLOGS: ~.Ethan ~.Shawn ~.Edwin ~.Ca^v^an ~.Lynette ~.Jasper DOWN. Backstage. Designer: Grandmama-- xoxo |