Monday, March 17, 2008. the walk home from the bus stop tonight was special. i took my time to look around the path i went through almost everyday. i've realised that i missed out the little details in life, like everyone, the little details that we pass everyday. yet we dun realise it until we lose it. anyway, i spotted a vine making its way up the fence. at the bottom, the leaves were close together, at the the top, the leaves were much further apart. it suddenly dawn on me that it's like a relationship. at first, the communication is there, loads of time spent together, effort made to keep the relationship going. as time go on, all these disappears. till both stay together for the sake of staying together. being in a relationship no longer has a meaning to it. sun, rain, wind (friends) will pull this plant apart. and soon, nothing will be left. sad isn't it? yes, everyone knows. it takes two hands to clap. well maybe at that time i thought if i were to bring my hand closer to yours, it'll work too. but the more i tried, the more we drifted apart. i guess things arent meant to be. when i was sad, you weren't there. i dun blame u, u always have an excuse. when i was on the verge of breaking down, the person who pulled me back wasn't u. u said u were busy, couldn't take the time out, wasnt allowed to use the phone. im sick of all these. if u really cared, u would have done something. anyway, anyhow, it's over between us and i dun wanna talk about it agn. u promised me security. u failed. maybe if you like a person, you shouldnt tell him/her how you feel. because then, the nice image of the person will be kept. as time go on, you'll realise what a jerk he really is? then you'll hate him. thanks to shawn who pei-ed me today! THANK YOU~ thanks to roi for being there when i was emo and stressed up. thanks to alicia and bryan HANSON for being there when i was stressed up and offering QUALITY advice for the councillor thing! thanks to the irritable guys at lucky bread today for helping me realise that i dun need a jerk like him. and SPECIAL thanks to CP for being there to listen to my emo talks. hey. i dunno why but i guess im falling for you. thanks boy. you are great! ♥ love is when you look into someone's eyes and see none other than yourself. 8:04 PM
I Some things just never fail to disappoint me. and some never fails to make me smile. Say it, and do it. WONT `yi ting. `count on nobody but yourself. LET Favourites should keep changing. except for one or two. ANYTHING Make a wish. But it won't come true. Unless you go all out for it. BRING ME ~.Pets Villa ~.Edwin DEDICATED BLOGS: ~.Ethan ~.Shawn ~.Edwin ~.Ca^v^an ~.Lynette ~.Jasper DOWN. Backstage. Designer: Grandmama-- xoxo |